HAITI and LATE NIGHT television bring to mind the great amount of misery a few mouths can bring to so many lives. It is no surprise that NBC executives have done an about face on their stance with Conan. After all we have seen this behavior from NBC executives covering their bone headed tracks for decades. Now Olympic big shot Ebersol has put his yap into the mix calling Conan "Chick-Hearted." Yes, the pot calling the kettle black. Dick stick to the Olympics we do not need you to clear things up when little Jeffie Zuckerman and his band of mindless minions hatch hair brained ideas that do not work. This is a classic example as to why chances are not taken in television and film. The people in charge are never competent enough to pull them off so they are doomed to fail and fail horribly.
As for Haiti the natural disaster there is beyond words but leave it to Robertson to add enlightened commentary from his privileged seat. What Robertson does not understand is he, like the people of Haiti, are a heart beat away from death at any point in the day. But unlike the people of Haiti Robertson's judgmental mouth keeps his sinful behavior at the forefront of his life. Compassion and love is what the bible brings to mind but both Robertson and the executive at NBC the idea is fleeting. Ratings are what their talking about Willis! Because that's the name of their game, words become a tool for covering, concelling, and stretching the length at which they will hold their career, lifestyle, and wealth.
Sure, Robertson's comments are possible. It is possible that God has put his power down on the people in Haiti but that is not our business nor his. What is his business is his own subtle dance with the devil. Any man known to glimpse at a bible clearly knows the power of self regulation is the key to Christ's gifts. Yet, this lack of restraint is what has turned both disasters in to colossal moments of miserably mean men butting their nose where they do not belong.
As a message to both Robertson and the executives at NBC give credit where credit is due. Obviously, none of you know as much as you think and none of us really want to hear what you think. Your time and usefulness would be better served sticking to the career you are given, as well as adding some discretion. Mr. Ebersol, your job is the Olympics, isn't there work to be done there? And Mr. Robertson does not the word of God need to be spread throughout lands of sin? It is time to turn off your ill gotten opinions and get to work.
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