Dear Representative:
I received your message of hope and economic turn around. As I sit here late in the evening doing job search after search, I wonder what more I can do. You ask us American's to sacrifice, to change the economic tides, but beyond eating our young the tides have been out of our hands from day one. As an opposition member of the bailouts across the board, as a witness to legal neglect to wall street hedge fund nonsense, and the build up of so called "not for profit" hedge funds run by market manipulators like Jim Cramer, I wonder what is it I can do.
But once again, the people with the most insist on asking those with the least to sacrifice in tough times. I say Mr. Representative, as I sit possible months from foreclosure, bankruptcy, and weeks away from exhausting unemployment compensation, what sacrifices are you suggesting? If you mean more education. Well, I am sorry, I hold an MFA and no more loan money is available. If you mean spending less, unfortunately my mortgage is far less than an efficiency apartment these days. As for transportation, we own our vehicles. You see Mr. Representative we've lived within our means until our means deserted us and now, with no safety net, no future, no industries, deregulation of the communications industry, we are left with few jobs, and even less wages.
What we need are visionaries that understand labors needs and how media, technology, and spending shape our world. What we need Mr. Representative are far more opportunities that produce results and not empty buildings. The spending of down town sounds great on paper but beyond lip stick on a pig it doesn't mean much to anyone other than the contractors that suck the dollars from the wallet of government. No, Mr. Representative, no the sacrifice of unemployed will not be enough to prevent this mess from happening again.
I received your message of hope and economic turn around. As I sit here late in the evening doing job search after search, I wonder what more I can do. You ask us American's to sacrifice, to change the economic tides, but beyond eating our young the tides have been out of our hands from day one. As an opposition member of the bailouts across the board, as a witness to legal neglect to wall street hedge fund nonsense, and the build up of so called "not for profit" hedge funds run by market manipulators like Jim Cramer, I wonder what is it I can do.
But once again, the people with the most insist on asking those with the least to sacrifice in tough times. I say Mr. Representative, as I sit possible months from foreclosure, bankruptcy, and weeks away from exhausting unemployment compensation, what sacrifices are you suggesting? If you mean more education. Well, I am sorry, I hold an MFA and no more loan money is available. If you mean spending less, unfortunately my mortgage is far less than an efficiency apartment these days. As for transportation, we own our vehicles. You see Mr. Representative we've lived within our means until our means deserted us and now, with no safety net, no future, no industries, deregulation of the communications industry, we are left with few jobs, and even less wages.
What we need are visionaries that understand labors needs and how media, technology, and spending shape our world. What we need Mr. Representative are far more opportunities that produce results and not empty buildings. The spending of down town sounds great on paper but beyond lip stick on a pig it doesn't mean much to anyone other than the contractors that suck the dollars from the wallet of government. No, Mr. Representative, no the sacrifice of unemployed will not be enough to prevent this mess from happening again.
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